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Here We Go!

Along with any large step in life, there comes with it moments of hesitation and fear of what’s to come. This project, for me, is no different. I wasn’t a part of the Nourish family until I was accepted to this project with other members of my university. Before that, I had no idea what to expect, and to be quite honest in a lot of aspects I still don’t. Through training we learned all sorts of information on how to conduct ourselves and how to have the best impact that we possibly can on the community we will be working with, but I know that the real learning will not occur until we actually begin. That leaves a lot of nerves, even for someone like me who has a knack for jumping headfirst into situations. Luckily, we aren’t without a goal, and that goal is to do something that is bigger than ourselves. We are just a small part of what this project is all about, but the knowledge that what we are going to accomplish is helping to change lives definitely balances out the nervousness we may have about this new experience. As long as we stay open to the changes in this project, which are certainly inevitable, this will be an amazing experience for both us and the community we will be working with. once we realize that, I suppose the next biggest concern for each of us is different. For me, I’m still trying to figure out how many sweaters to pack.


Until next time,


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